Make your mark in history by Building Carolina with us! And you’ll make a great living in the process!
For many people, a construction apprenticeship can be a better option that a four-year degree. In addition to completing a program without carrying any student loan debt, construction apprentices often will earn credits that can be applied towards a college degree.
Great Wages. Job Security. Respect. Build a Career and join us in Building Carolina!
Apprentices start earning a good wage immediately.
Focus on learning rather than building debt.
Keep progressing through the program, and earn more and more and more money.
Health and retirement benefits start now, for you and your family.
The traits that lured you toward this career are the same characteristics that catch the eye of employers when they need someone to take charge of a project. When you get noticed for a promotion, we offer foreman and superintendent career training to help you move up the ladder.
Brand new, state-of-the-art Charlotte Training Center
We have the facilities, equipment, technology, and teachers to train you to be a professional carpenter or millwright with the skills, productivity, and attitude that are in demand, right now, throughout Carolina. An apprenticeship takes about four years, with time spent on an actual jobsite and at the training center. You’ll be working and learning while getting paid, with benefits! Your training will be done in our brand new training center, located at 1928 Back Creek Drive, sitting east of I-85 in the University East Business Park.
We keep tabs on our alumni and offer an incredible list of refresher and extended learning courses (called Journeyman Skill Updates) to keep you on top of your game and in demand.
Being an SECRC-Carolina carpenter means being part of the largest and oldest trade union in the country. It’s an elite group that has your back, because The United Brotherhood of Carpenters protects its own. And if you get involved in your local union’s activities and have a good head on your shoulders, you have the chance to be a leader, travel to the UBC’s Las Vegas training center for special training, and earn the respect of your co-workers and the contractor you work for.
We have the reputation of doing what it takes to provide the skills, productivity, and “can-do” attitude to get the job done. If you are reliable and willing to learn—you will succeed at this career and fit right into our ranks.
Don’t settle for average. Make the commitment to give that extra effort and become extraordinary. This is your chance to get what you want out of life and carve out a rewarding, respectable career. It’s a no-brainer. Contact us, and get moving toward a great paycheck and solid future.
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